Spencer Christy
Bend location
Direct: 503-997-0704
Office: 541-508-3148
Email: realtorspencerchristy@gmail.com
Website: http://spencer.oregonpropertyfinders.com/
I’m a native Oregonian, born and raised in Portland. I moved to Central Oregon after my son was born to raise him in a smaller community that was more geared to the outdoor lifestyle. My passion has always been in real estate so with times a changing, I decided to pursue a dream and am loving it! For decades I worked in the hospitality industry and have natural gift for customer service which I now provide for my clients. I work both in Central Oregon and Portland Metro Area markets so whether it’s finding you a home, or heling you get the most out of selling your home, I am here to guide you. If there is anything you need, please let me know.